King Tut...again
King Tut was really cool. Sorry I haven't updated yet. It was pretty awesome to be in the same room with that much history, but I wish there hadn't been so many damn tourists and idiots there with us. Otherwise it was really cool. I went to Disneyland the next day with Mariko then Jenn and Dave K. met us up there. Luckily we got there early enough to be able to ride all the worthwhile rides before the lines got out of control. The Nightmare Before Christmas haunted house was up which was really fantastic. Tim Burton is an odd fellow thats for sure.
I got my first paper back in english and it had a check on it. No further explanation or comments--I hope that means that I got an A and that my teacher thinks I'm a genius...
Dess brought Abbagale to my work today since they just got back in town. It's amazing how much bigger she is already. Amie got to meet her as she was here to help me muddle through more of this logo and website crap for work. It's coming together quite nicely. My boss told me today that Amie was a real "catch" for us concerning our website and logo!!!! Yeah Amie and Evan are the shit.
Jesus hates the Yankees

So I saw a t-shirt online today that was following the same line as the "Jesus is my homeboy/girl" shirts and thought it was funny. Not only is it funny, but it seems to be the case. Here the Yankees have the supposed best baseball team money can buy and they get slaughtered by the Angels--not that the Angels are bad mind you but still...
King Tut!
So, I'm super stoked to go to LA this weekend. Not only do I get to see my pal Mariko but I get to see the King Tut exhibit. I am really excited! It's an interesting idea to me that tomorrow I will literally be face-to-face with an amazing piece of world history. Don't get me wrong I love art and all that, but for some reason this strikes me as something totally different. It should be neat. I think we are also going to hit up disneyland. Mariko seems to think it an amazing travesty that I have only been to Disneyland once--with my crazy mom--and it was quite some time ago. This, of course, coming from a season ticket holder--is that even the right verbiage or am I just so consumed with post-season baseball that I'm thinking of season tickets--salivating actually...
Appropriate I would say...

Apparently only have 2-3 hours of sleep makes me not only a raging bitch--yes, more than normal--but it also zaps any hope of being productive. I finally finished my damn paper last night at around 10 pm. I think it is rather crappy, but at this rate I could care less. I also hit some sort of weird euphoric/giddy/slightly insane state which made it nay impossible for me to take a nap, let alone sleep last night. This is what I would imagine taking speed would be like, which definitely means I will never be taking it! I was soooo tired yet I just couldn't sleep--that is until about 5am this morning--which would have been super if I didn't have to get up at 6am for work. I have a pretty good idea that this is going to be a lousy week.
Anxiety ridden
It's almost 5am and I've been up for almost three hours. I am totally having a panic attack about my first paper that is due on Tuesday. It really shouldn't be that difficult, but in normal Jessica-fashion I am on the verge of tears about finishing it. The thing is, if I don't finish it today it wont happen. I am still working 50+ hours a week at work and I at least know that realistically I wont do it during the week. Not because I'm a slacker, but mostly because there isn't enough time in my days. That being said I think the anxiety is because of the deadline. I apparently don't do all that well with one. That seems odd considering I have a million deadlines at work and I reach them easily--granted usually with a 50+ hour work week.
Amie is designing a new logo (which looks amazing!) among other things for my job and she has been able to witness the chaos I endure daily. She was fairly wide-eyed after meeting my boss--mostly because he is a bit of a whirlwind and is quite intense. As soon as he left the room she looked at me and said she could never work here but that I seem to thrive on it--notice no quotation marks because she probably said it way more eloquent than that--and I do thrive on it. I am usually pretty stressed out, but I think that has more to do with the mixing of the chaos of school with the chaos of work.
So here I am adding to my anxiety by procrastinating...
My little sis

Fawn would never forgive me if I didn't put a more flattering picture of her on my blog. Ah, the vanity of a 17 year old!