Appropriate I would say...

Raised in Alaskaborn in Washington. Damn my mom for being on vacation when I was born. Die hard sports fanatic. Relatively good bowler. I am a graduate of UCSB, with two BA's--one in English and the other in History. Borderline work-aholic. I have an amazing boyfriend Kevin who I love dearly and couldn't do so much without his support. Indiscriminate book worm. Closet pop culture junkie.
Will watch any baseball game, except the Texas Rangersonly because one of my oldest friends, Dalen, loves them. Amused by the ongoing rivalry of the Yankees and the Red Sox. Like the Lakers, but miss Shaq. Love Tennis, but mostly just Andy Roddick. Hockey is finally back!
Loaning my mom that credit card ... dammit!
Decide what to do now that I finally graduated. Spoil the hell out of my niece, continuously. Get to the snow more often, I miss snow-not the forty below zero part, though.
I'm currently reading NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
Really like Scrubs, 24and Entourage. Embarrassingly addicted to Law and Order. World Series of Poker-aholic. Sports Center junkie. Dig The Daily Show (Jon Stewart is a stud). Have a secret crush on Anderson Cooper of CNN. Laugh so hard that I come dangerously close to peeing my pants while watching The Office. Always in the mood for Sex and the City reruns. Really miss Six Feet Under and OZ.
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