King Tut...again

King Tut was really cool. Sorry I haven't updated yet. It was pretty awesome to be in the same room with that much history, but I wish there hadn't been so many damn tourists and idiots there with us. Otherwise it was really cool. I went to Disneyland the next day with Mariko then Jenn and Dave K. met us up there. Luckily we got there early enough to be able to ride all the worthwhile rides before the lines got out of control. The Nightmare Before Christmas haunted house was up which was really fantastic. Tim Burton is an odd fellow thats for sure.

I got my first paper back in english and it had a check on it. No further explanation or comments--I hope that means that I got an A and that my teacher thinks I'm a genius...

Dess brought Abbagale to my work today since they just got back in town. It's amazing how much bigger she is already. Amie got to meet her as she was here to help me muddle through more of this logo and website crap for work. It's coming together quite nicely. My boss told me today that Amie was a real "catch" for us concerning our website and logo!!!! Yeah Amie and Evan are the shit.

Posted by Jess | Friday, October 14, 2005

Blogger stacie  said...

Glad it was fun.

October 17, 2005 8:07 PM  

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