So for those who don't know--probably everyone but Stacie--I have been seeing an amazing guy for the last four months or so. He wasn't a stranger to me, rather one of my best friends. He was at one time married and is in the process of a divorce; he also has two wonderful sons who I have known since birth. We are having to deal with a lot of crap these days with really immature people and unfortunately some back-stabbing friends. One of Kevin's oldest friends, Justin has a wife named Alyssa. Sadly Alyssa doesn't understand the concept of friend. The whole time Kevin and I have been seeing each other we have all hung out and been the best of friends--only to find out that she was going behind Justin and our backs and chatting it up with Kim (ex). Not just being friends which is her perogative, but talking shit, serious shit, about Kevin and I while at the same time being our friends. These are concepts I have a hard time understanding. Most people who know me know that I am a relative straight shot when it comes to my feelings and whatnot. If I don't like you, you tend to know it. I can't fathom playing both sides of the fence. This was a serious blow to my ability to trust people and have a full idea about their intentions.But most importantly Kevin and I are super happy and the boys are adjusting well. Kim tells Kevin she can't afford food and diapers, while at the same time throwing parties and going out all the time--fantastic priorities... But she has herself and her white trash brigade convinced she is an amazing person, friend, Mom, and God knows what else. It is frusterating. Especially since you can't even fight these type of people with logic--because they don't understand it.
Well, anyway... Here are a few pictures to catch everyone up.

Kevin and I in front of our Christmas tree

Kevin, Craig and I for Halloween... The Keg was functioning!!!

Abbagale at Christmas. She is getting so dang big and even more wonderful then before.

Fawn and I in SF on Danielle's roof. It is really amazing up there.
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