Heading to Anaheim this weekend for baseball. The Angels play the Yankees and I'm going to all 3 games. Aw yeah baby. No, I'm not an Angels fan, no I'm not a Yankees fan--I LOVE BASEBALL--Period. Not to mention in all the games I've seen this summer I will have seen quite literally 20 future hall of famers. That is unbelievably awesome to me. I am always asked what team I like and whatnot and I always say the same thing--I am an indiscriminate fan--I will watch any game, anytime and usually end up rooting for both teams; namely because I cheer for GOOD baseball and more often than not both teams are going to produce it. Also, being from Alaska doesn't really lend to one having that sense of hometown/state pride when it comes to sports rooting so I have always watched everyone. For those who are diehard fans of one team and HATE another, they can't understand this concept of mine. I really wish I was a diehard fan for one team because I think those types of loyalties are amazing and the rivalries they create are fantastic but I feel like if I do that now I will just be another bandwagon hopper... Alas, I can't do it. So off to baseball I go!!

Posted by Jess | Friday, August 25, 2006

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