A few pictures because it's been a bit...

Abba and her guard dog Cooper! She turns 1 next month. Unbelievable how the time passes.

Dess and I in Oakland to see the A's vs. Red Sox

Some friends and I at Anaheim stadium--in the corporate box!!! Hard to imagine seeing a game any other way now frankly...
Heading to Anaheim this weekend for baseball. The Angels play the Yankees and I'm going to all 3 games. Aw yeah baby. No, I'm not an Angels fan, no I'm not a Yankees fan--I LOVE BASEBALL--Period. Not to mention in all the games I've seen this summer I will have seen quite literally 20 future hall of famers. That is unbelievably awesome to me. I am always asked what team I like and whatnot and I always say the same thing--I am an indiscriminate fan--I will watch any game, anytime and usually end up rooting for both teams; namely because I cheer for GOOD baseball and more often than not both teams are going to produce it. Also, being from Alaska doesn't really lend to one having that sense of hometown/state pride when it comes to sports rooting so I have always watched everyone. For those who are diehard fans of one team and HATE another, they can't understand this concept of mine. I really wish I was a diehard fan for one team because I think those types of loyalties are amazing and the rivalries they create are fantastic but I feel like if I do that now I will just be another bandwagon hopper... Alas, I can't do it. So off to baseball I go!!
To catch everyone up...
So the BBQ was an amazing success!! Arianne was able to stop by so that was great. Hadn't seen her in ages! Got to see a lot of other people I hadn't seen in quite a long time as well which is always great. I've been so ridiculously busy with school these days that I seem to forgot exactly how neglecting I can be with friends so for that I'd like to issue a sincere apology. I hope in the next month or so before fall quarter or so we can all, on way or the other, get in touch and catch up!!!
Stacie, Fawn, and I went and saw Talladega Nights last night--crazy funny. I am not a fan in the least of NASCAR and this pokes fun at all the trashiness of it which makes my day, but it is also just plain out funny in the normal Will Ferrell fashion. He holds back against pretty much no one--Tom Cruise, Oprah, and the Lord baby Jesus. Ah, good times!!
My little sister Fawn moved in with me last week and will be starting Cuesta next week. She just graduated high school this year and pretty much epitomizes naive. I'm fairly nervous for her and have entered into hyper protective mode and am trying desperately to draw the line between older sister who doesn't want her to screw up her life and apathetic roommate. It's a terribly fine line to walk and I don't think I've found that balance quite yet!! Working on it though.
My boss gave me tickets to the corporate box at the Angels stadium a few weeks ago for the game against the A's. It was literally one of those experiences for a baseball fan I can't really articulate well. I have seen a dozen or so baseball games recently and NOTHING compares to this. It was catered for us--free food, liquor and a waiter who was at our whim. I had 10 tickets and with those tickets we essentially had free rein of the whole stadium. We could get into any section of the park we wanted--we were VIP. Seeing games any other way now is going to be awfully hard!!! I even got to meet Huston Street, one of the relievers for the A's. Awesome.
BBQ tomorrow
Hey everyone. Short notice I know, but I'm having a BBQ tomorrow if you want to stop by. My little sister just moved down from Alaska so I'm trying to welcome her to the neighborhood! Email me or call me if you need directions or anything. Going to start around 2. We have some beer, soda, hamburgers, chips and fish while supplies last so bring something else if you want.
See you then.

Who wouldn't want her in the neighborhood! She's such a doll.