Midnight Sun

I flew into Alaska last night at 12:30am. I am here because my youngest sister is graduating high school and frankly I needed an excuse to take a vacation!!! The last time I came back home, though was in the dead of winter so it is fantastic to come when there isn't much snow left and it is all warm--by Alaskan standards. The most amazing thing to me though was how, even though I lived here virtually my whole life just how quickly you can forget such basic things--Especially the things I am most frequently questioned on when people find out I'm from Alaska. The midnight sun, perpetual daylight, etc. I, apparently, had forgotten exactly how bright that sunlight was. I was asleep on the plane when we were approaching Fairbanks and awoke to the pilot announcing descent so I looked out the window and had a mild panic attack--it was freaking downright the middle of the day. Did we enter some bizarre time-space continium? Had I been drugged and kidnapped? Where the FUCK am I? Obviously, I was tired and needed to wake up a bit more but I now have a little better understanding of people's fascination with the perpetual sunlight issue. Growing up I never really noticed it. Having been away for a lot of years it is bizarre to be putting my luggage into the car at 1am and have it be bright as it is in SLO when I go to work.

Anyway, that was my realization of the day--perhaps I should have a bit more patience with peoples asinine questions concerning Alaska in the future...Even to a native Alaska some of it is strange to come back to.

Posted by Jess | Thursday, May 11, 2006

Blogger Evan Jones  said...

Your post must have slipped past the RSS feed. How wonderful that you made it back to Alaska. Now, I guess, you'll have to rewrite the Planning section in the sidebar. Since you accomplish things so predictably, maybe you should write Hoping to make a million dollars before turning thirty. Anyway, if you're still there, have fun, and don't forget to come back.

May 16, 2006 4:57 PM  
Blogger stacie  said...

Hope you are having fun with your family. When do you come back?

May 17, 2006 11:30 PM  
Blogger Jess  said...

Evan--How about I hope to make just $10k that isn't earmarked for something before I'm 30--I'm not greedy!!!!!

Stacie--I am having a lot of fun, thanks!!! Fawn graduates tomorrow which is super surreal but what can ya do. I'll be back this Sunday afternoon. As much as I love it here and everything I'm definitely getting antsy to get home!!!

May 18, 2006 3:04 AM  

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