It's been awhile...
So, I'm a total slacker and I have been completely neglecting my blog. You can look to my previous post though and have a good indication as to why. Although I will admit there is another reason... There is a new man in my life and his name is Cooper. I adore him and he takes up every free moment I can spare. I am sure when you see the following pictures you will all understand the reason for my infatuation and neglect...
See I told you so. This people is Cooper Jack Walker. My mom and sister gave him to me for my birthday earlier this month and I just can't get enough of him! He's a tiny little long hair miniature chihuahua BUT he isn't yappy like must chihuahua's. I know this for a fact because I happen to know his parents--and they aren't yappy either, and you know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree--or something like that right???

Okay so that's just a small update on what has monopolized a lot of my time...Like I really need another distraction from school right!!!
Oh, and FYI--Stacie, Danielle and I went and saw Thank You For Smoking tonight and I personally would HIGHLY recommend it. Wickedly funny.
Until next time...
New glasses?
Yeah I finally replaced the glasses I lost over a year ago...
Cooper is a most precious puppy. I must come visit sometime. I'm digging the glasses.
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