Imagine the danger people who aren't Republicans or supporters are in...Yikes!

Shoot an elderly man in the face and chest with birdshot, cause him to have a heart attack, withhold the information from the press for 21 hours, all this without even having the proper permits to even shoot a BIRD with birdshot--Damn it must be great to be in the elite, white, rich, office-holding sector of the United States. Anyone else probably would have found themselves facing charges of attempted involuntary manslaughter right about now and would be getting awfully cozy with a cell mate named Bubba.
You mean like Ted Kennedy? ;)
I'll give you that, Chris.
The Democrats reap the benefits as had to go back quite a while for that one though didn't ya!
You could do better with your point!!!
Meh.. They're all a bunch of corrupt ass monkeys. There are very few politians that have nothing to hide or have not been helped by their position in office. Let's talk about Gary Condit. ;)
How 'bout Ahhh-nold...
Or the man that he replaced mebbe? Good 'ol Gray.. Guy was crooked from the word go, raped the state with those power contracts and got away with it. So what if he got impeached and will likely never work again.. He doesn't *need* to ever work again. Thank Enron. Like I said.. *All* politicians are crooked no matter what side of the fence they are on. That is what makes them politicians
Yeah, yeah, yeah we can go with they are all crooked--but ya got to admit--the sitting VP (need we mention Halliburton?) shooting an elderly man (a supporter no less-the comments would be endless if it was a Democrat), mistaking him for a small bird, suppressing it, and no reprecussions is at the very least worthy of some good fodder-and a plethora of Jon Stewart punchlines which inevitably makes my day!
Well don't let me tread on that! ;)
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