Women: Say goodbye to your right to choose...

We have just taken some terrifying steps backwards leading us to a time of back-alley abortions with rusty hangers. Hopefully the conservative religious right doesn't make it that far. Not to mention the many other rights they so conveniently want to suppress in the name of Jesus Christ. It is an amazing concept that whole separation of church and state bit if only the people rich enough to get elected or appointed into offices actually upheld the ideal. For a country founded by people so desperate to escape religious persecution I still find it absolutely amazing that we proceed on a daily basis as though Christianity is the ONLY religion and any and all laws made in the country need to be made so that they are in accordance with the bible. People can blather on and on about how their personal beliefs will not interfere in how they rule on the bench but I am flabbergasted how someone who has been quoted on more than one occasion (in the past of course) as saying he believes abortion is wrong and would have a problem upholding the precedent can be appointed to the most important and highest court in our country--and a court you are on for life mind you--and we are expected to believe that he would really put aside his past beliefs and comments and rule solely on the evidence? Give me a break. This is one of the most heated debates and most emotional precedents the supreme court has and it has been challenged time and time again so it is fairly certain that with a newly conservative tilt in the supreme court it will yet again be challenged and now folks is when that shift will be felt.
It's not just a woman's right to choose at stake here...
I am also not a crazy idealogical ranting feminist--okay so I'm not crazy at least...
I saved you a seat too.
Who said that you weren't crazy, darlin'? ;)
What about the rights of the child?
Ah anonymous comments...
I refuse to get into a long debate as to when an embryo becomes an actual feeling fetus or child, especially with someone who posts anonymously. As a woman if you don't want an abortion then don't get one, but the right shouldn't be taken away just because you, Christians, Republicans, or whoever disagrees with it. Just like your right not to get an abortion or to agree with them shouldn't be taken away because it is different from my own. This is the beauty of living in a free nation. Enjoy it while that is still the case.
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