A few updates
So it has been awhile, but a few things.1. Saw Harry Potter again--still have issues, but overall can say relatively definitively that I liked it.
2. Finals next week, enter nervous breakdown mode.
3. Registered for next quarter and just to prove I am a glutton for punishment I am taking four classes rather than three. Just more evidence that I want to be DONE with school!
4. On the bright side I have a month off of school, on the not so bright side I have a shitload of work to get caught up on. Not that I have been slacking, but some of my projects have definitely been pushed to the farthest corners of my mind.
5. I have been bowling really well these days...not sure what the difference is, but I'm not complaining. Yes, I realize just how geeky bowling is.
Well as a whole I think that gets me quasi-caught up. To any friends who actually read this damn thing I will be trying my damnedest to get back in touch with everyone over the next month. Going to try not to be such a hermit next quarter.
Good luck with finals.
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