Ummm...Thank God the holidays are over!

She's either smiling or taking a dump; I would imagine it is the latter.

The best present and by far the one that rings truest!

After Abba opened ALL her presents...okay actually she fell asleep after the first one but still.
Not everyone is Christian...

While I personally do think we are slightly too politically correct on most issues, I do think this Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday's thing is entertaining. Not everyone is Christian and although this intially started out being a Christian holiday I think it is naive to think that that is really what it still is. It is a consumer driven "holiday" and if Christian's want to be irritated about saying Happy Holiday's rather than Merry Christmas than maybe they should go back to their Christian roots and realize that Christmas shouldn't be about placating your spoiled children and family but rather about celebrating the birth of their savior. That's just me though. I enjoy getting my friends and family presents around the holiday but lets call is what it really is...a consumerism and marketing ploy. I'm not Christian but I celebrate Christmas...not for the Christian reason but rather to show my family and friends how much I love them and appreciate their support over the last year. Maybe to rid myself of this whole drama I will start doing my "christmas" in September...
Happy Birthday Stacie!!
Let's see a movie this weekend to celebrate!
It's Official!
I earned all A's my first quarter at UCSB. 4.0 and on the Dean's List. YEAH!
A few recent pic.'s

My sisters and I, plus Abba. Please desperately try to ignore the Reba shirt; or at least don't judge me by my sister's ridiculously bad taste not only in music but attire.

Abbagale-my niece-almost three months old now

Fawn and I when she was down here last month.
Ah yeah!!! A whole month off of school...
Yeah! Finals are over and I feel pretty damn good about them. I might even venture to say that I think I got straight A's. Not a bad way to start out my academic career at UCSB if I do say so myself! Now I have a whole month to try to do some advanced reading for next quarter, get some much needed sleep, venture out of the reclusive hole that I have been hiding in for the past 10 weeks, and get some work done that has been progressively piling up. Going to try to do some Christmas shopping today--brave the crowds. Usually I am a total Christmas Eve shopper, but I would really like to avoid that scene again.
Random tidbit- I wanted to again say thank you to Amie and Evan for the amazing job they did creating a website for my work. Everyone at work has been supremely impressed with it. Check it out at
Anyway, gotta get some stuff done and then start the day o' shopping!
A few updates
So it has been awhile, but a few things.
1. Saw Harry Potter again--still have issues, but overall can say relatively definitively that I liked it.
2. Finals next week, enter nervous breakdown mode.
3. Registered for next quarter and just to prove I am a glutton for punishment I am taking four classes rather than three. Just more evidence that I want to be DONE with school!
4. On the bright side I have a month off of school, on the not so bright side I have a shitload of work to get caught up on. Not that I have been slacking, but some of my projects have definitely been pushed to the farthest corners of my mind.
5. I have been bowling really well these days...not sure what the difference is, but I'm not complaining. Yes, I realize just how geeky bowling is.
Well as a whole I think that gets me quasi-caught up. To any friends who actually read this damn thing I will be trying my damnedest to get back in touch with everyone over the next month. Going to try not to be such a hermit next quarter.