Walking the Green Mile
This week I have been feeling like I am walking blindly to my impending doom. School starts this Thursday and I really can not believe how petrified I am. You'd think I was a freshmen instead of a junior, but I haven't been to school full time in over a year. Also my job is much more demanding than any of the others I have had while attending school. Another reason I could be anxious is because I received all my books today--and by all of them I mean all 26--you heard me 26. What the hell!I went and visited my sister and my niece this weekend and man is she cute. She's a pretty good baby too which is a good thing for my sister. Her name is Abbagale--yes spelled like that. My sister is still young enough to want to give her kid a cool, different name much to my chagrin. So, to illustrate my point that it is a stupid way to spell her name, I have taken to calling her Abba rather then Abby like she wants. The kid is forever stuck with that as a nickname from me...She can blame her mother!
Alas, this is my last Tuesday of freedom and all I can think to do is get some sleep...maybe a little laundry. What a hip happening gal I am!
Give us the full report on your first day. I'm sure it will be great.
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