I miss Alaska

Fawn's car before she un-buried it...

My youngest sister Fawn and I.


Fawn waist-deep in the snow..
My sister...yeah she's pretty young

Okay going back to my homework...
The best one...

My favorite pic
Abba (as she will be forever know to me!)

Here are a couple pictures of Abba...
School Sucks!
What on earth possessed me to do such a thing. By next week I have to have two books read--and not fun, page turning books mind you, but dry history books. Yuck. Okay so I'm being slightly melodramatic. It wasn't that bad, but there really is a lot of reading. I'm still not sure if I dig the live video feed as a way to take my course either; I feel like I'm missing out on some vital big university experience. Okay that's enough of my complaining!
I plan on doing a lot of reading this weekend...But I really want to go see a movie--Stacie, are you going to see any this weekend? Call me if you are. Corpse Bride looks rather intriguing. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie.
Walking the Green Mile
This week I have been feeling like I am walking blindly to my impending doom. School starts this Thursday and I really can not believe how petrified I am. You'd think I was a freshmen instead of a junior, but I haven't been to school full time in over a year. Also my job is much more demanding than any of the others I have had while attending school. Another reason I could be anxious is because I received all my books today--and by all of them I mean all 26--you heard me 26. What the hell!
I went and visited my sister and my niece this weekend and man is she cute. She's a pretty good baby too which is a good thing for my sister. Her name is Abbagale--yes spelled like that. My sister is still young enough to want to give her kid a cool, different name much to my chagrin. So, to illustrate my point that it is a stupid way to spell her name, I have taken to calling her Abba rather then Abby like she wants. The kid is forever stuck with that as a nickname from me...She can blame her mother!
Alas, this is my last Tuesday of freedom and all I can think to do is get some sleep...maybe a little laundry. What a hip happening gal I am!
What the heck?
After the euphoria of having a niece wore off I realized how unbelievably tired I am. Not that my sister is any less tired, but holy cow a weekend at the hospital can really take it out of you. Not only that but I finally had the big manager's meeting I have been preparing for last week. Thank god that is finally over.
I'm feeling a sense of impending doom about school starting next week. I've already entered into a half panicked mode and I haven't even started. All my books should be arriving pretty soon and I have already tried to get a head start on all that reading. You would think all the reading would be super easy, but there is something so different about reading for fun and being FORCED to read something. Even if it is something that I may have read for fun it totally makes it different.
I started bowling this week and bowled like crap. My team lost all our games which kind of sucks...Oh well thought there is a whole year to overcome the losses. I also got a award check from the state bowling association because I got 1st place in the women's state tournament. That's right 1st in the whole state in my division. It's not a prestigious accomplishment but still a kind of cool one.
Baby news
My sister finally popped yesterday!!!! She had Abbagale at 6:09pm. She weighs 6lbs 10oz and is 19 1/4 inches long. She has a LOT of hair, thank god. She's pretty damn cute...Dess and her are both doing well. More to come--news that is.
Amie and Evan are fantastic!
A huge thanks to Amie and Evan for making my blog look so amazing. I really appreciate your help!
Not bad.
I read
Eldest this weekend and it was better then the first book. I would highly recommend it.
Danielle and I have finally gotten on the Soprano's train. We watched the first season and are now watching the second. I am surprised at how funny they are and a little disturbed about Tony's sex appeal. He exudes it on this show. Interesting...
So it is almost the weekend again thank goodness. This has been a really hectic week! But for more important things... So not that I was worried — okay I was freaking the hell out — but I finally got my official letter of acceptance from UCSB. Man and it couldn't have come at a better time, considering school starts in less then three weeks. Danielle called me at work to tell me of the ominous package "staring" at her from UCSB so without further ado I had her open it and finally let me exhale. My advisor had been telling me for weeks that all would be well, but I am a worrier and couldn't help having major and minor panic attacks leading up to the actually letter arriving. WOOHOO. Anyway, not like I will be all that stoked in a few weeks when I barely have time to eat what with school and my ever-increasing work responsibilities.
Anyway, on to other topics I guess. So my sister is due in just a few short weeks but this week she blacked out, fell and almost broke her arm. The doctor says she has a really bad case of vertigo so now she in on virtual bedrest. She can't go up or down stairs without supervision, she can't drive, nor can she really stand for too long. I feel bad for her, but I told her to get as much rest as possible because it's not like she will be getting much in the coming weeks, months, and years.
I was talking to my friend Jenn and she was recommending the book
Eragon to me. Now I own this book and have had every intention of reading it for some time, but I finally decided to bite the bullet and read it. For those of you who don't know me and are wondering why I am reading a book that is technically teen fiction let me explain. When I worked at Barnes and Noble I was in charge of the children's section for a long time and I also ran a children's book group, that being said I was also for a bit a children's lit, elementary education major. Now that I have read this book I have come to a few conclusions: 1. It is mis-classified as a teen fiction book; it should be in adult sci fi/fantasy; 2. This kids not a bad writer, but he is a bit pretentious; and 3. I will continue with the trilogy. I tend not to like things deemed sci-fi/fantasy with the exception really of Orson Scott Card, but this book wasn't bad. A little verbose, but pretty good. The second book in the trilogy,
Eldest, just came out and I plan on reading it tomorrow. I will keep you posted.
So until then...