Quirky humor...check out the sites!
I have found some sites in the last few months that I am now visiting more and more frequently...
They are super funny and for your convenience I have linked them on my sidebar thing as I don't know how to translate that into the actual space of a post. Frankly if I want to put a new link up I just erase an old one and follow the same form...Simplistic and rudimentary but it works. I'll learn it one day Evan I promise! Anyway the two sites are
New York Overheard and
Cyanide and Happiness. The latter is a daily cartoon and I would highly recommend you check out ALL the archives. Here are a few, and I mean just a few, of my favorites so far...

Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide & Happiness @
Explosm.netI could post dozens of them.
As for the
New York Overheard site I would recommend visiting it at least once a day if possible. People say the most amazing, bizarre, random, disgusting...shit in the world. It has honestly made me more conscious of what I am talking about in public and the volume of my voice. There are always those conversations that people can overhear the wrong snippit of and completely get the wrong idea and take it totally out of context which I'm sure some of these are but still they are hilarious nonetheless. There is also a link on this site to
Overheard in the Office which is also freakin' hilarious especially since I work in an office and feel like many of the comments oddly mirror many of my days...
I hope you check them out friends. Let me know what you think.
Picture extravaganza!!

Mariko and I at the Dodger game

My friend Matt and Cooper

Dessirae and I

Abba is getting so darn big.

Matt, Danielle and I from their roof. Awesome view!

Entrance to Chinatown

Danielle and I on the roof of a bar in SF
Pirates and other items
Stacie and I went to see the Pirates movie last night... Now obviously for those movie snobs--you know who you are--this isn't a Palm movie and frankly it could have been on mute and I would have still gone to see it but it wasn't too bad. It is the middle of a trilogy so there is the middle-ish things to expect--i.e. set-up for the finale. Lots of plot development and not a whole lot of action. For those who still may see it and are maybe expecting something super fast paced like the first one--it isn't. More than once Stacie and I looked at each other and mouthed "It's not over yet?" Not because it was bad but because it seemed endless. Oh and in case anyone else is going to see it I will say the one thing I wish someone had told me--I knew there was a scene AFTER the credits (there was for the first movie as well) so we sat through seemingly endless credits, debatable the longest ones ever made, only to get the "extra" scene--and not to ruin it for you *spoiler alert* THE LAMEST THING IN THE WORLD, nothing Stacie and I had been thinking, nothing to set up for the next movie, nothing that anybody cares about, STUPID STUPID STUPID! I left the theater with my mouth agape cursing Mariko (who had already seen the movie) for not telling me how stupid the scene was and not to bother staying for it.
Okay, tirade over.
The National league choked again in the All-Star game. HA! 0-9. Yowsa. Especially since they had the lead all the way until the 9th inning. They were down to 2 outs two strikes and they just couldn't seal the deal... Sad really.
Speaking of baseball, I'm on a baseball extravaganza these days. I saw Barry Zito pitch against the Diamondbacks in Oakland two weeks ago. Went to the Giants v Dodgers game last week and saw Bonds get booed like crazy and go o-3, and this weekend I'm going to the braves at the Padres. By the end of this season I will finally have been to all the stadiums in California. I've gotten some pretty great (free) tickets. A girls dream come true!
Okay, so I think I will try to post a bit more often so they aren't quite as long next time. Hey, I'm taking 6 classes this summer, time is limited--and then there is baseball!!