Oh and a few more updates

Abba is a crawling, almost walking, teething machine!

Cooper's ears aren't really that big...but he is really that cute.

My baby sister Fawn and I in Alaska. She is moving down here-and in with me-in August...Holy cow.
The long anticipated break...For a week. : (
I took my last final on Tuesday and have barely a week or so before summer school officially starts. Even though technically I am already in summer school since I am taking some lower division pre-req courses my good for nothing advisor failed to "advise" me I was missing...grrr... So I having been trying to squeeze those in as well. God help me because there actually was a breaking point a few weeks ago when I had three papers due. I finished two after sleeping two hours a that night week (not that I average much more than that anyway, insomnia is a bitch) and pulling two all-nighters (because I still have to work during all this shit) and was about to email the third to the professor when it didn't feel right. So I opened up the attachment and it was not the final draft...it was the previous draft--so missing the last two pages I'd written. So first I tried not to panic and searched my computer to no avail, then my friend Chris (much more computer savvy than I) searched it to with no luck. Needless to say I think I scared the shit out of a few of my friends because I was essentially hysterical, almost hyperventilating (the paper was due in like an hour) plus I was sort of out of it anyway due to sheer exhaustion. Luckily my professor is a kind soul and actually believed my "dog ate my homework" story and gave me an extension... Yowsa.
Anyway. So I guess I offer that as explanation for my lack of blog entries...I am not a total slacker : )