She just gets cuter and cuter...

With the Chihuahua puppies at Grandma's house

Helping me with work in our pajamas...
Ah man...
The last weekend before school starts again is officially here. I have decided that having a week off is actually quite cruel. There really isn't any time to enjoy yourself or kick back and just when you are about to have that time school starts again. Not cool man not cool.
Less than a week 'o freedom left...
The countdown to my impending doom has seemingly begun. School starts next Monday which is way to soon. Totally doesn't seem fair but what can you do. The sad thing is this weekend when I was free of all homework I became antsy after about half the day on Saturday. It just goes to show that during school I am constantly on the go and it is always hectic but it seems to be a pace, for better or worse I thrive at. It's one of those twisted little realities. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I'm trying to get a head start on my reading for next quarter but I just keep staring at the books blankly...yuck.
I am literally giddy
The quarter that almost sucked out my soul has come to an end...Officially. My last paper was emailed in last night by midnight(ish) and now all I have to do is see oh how my grades fall! It probably won't be that bad but surely will not live up to the standards set last quarter.
Now one blissful week of NO school before next quarter starts. Ah, yeah!!
Going to see Abba as she probably doesn't recognize me, catch up on some sleep, hang out with friends (movie Stacie?), and the ultimate sign of being a work-aholic--catch up on the work that is slowly taking over my desk.
Plus my blog has been looking sad few posts, not nearly enough cynicism, not up with the times, shameful I tell ya. Although I have updated my links and some of the sidebar info. The PostSecret sight is a bizarre fascination with me. I know the book would technically be totally worthless once fully looked at once but the weekly updates are something I am drawn to. Some are lame, of course, but some are completely insane!
A few things while I've been studying...

South Dakota is apparently trying to work their way up in the unemployment and welfare statistics sector...I wonder if they need it explained to them?
Brokeback Mountain jokes are getting old, but it's oddly appropriate here.

Absolutely ridiculous
One final down!
Thank god. Don't think I did fantastic, but at this rate I'm just glad to be done with that class. One more week with this damn quarter. The countdown has begun...Oh, who am I kidding, the countdown began nine weeks ago. All that's left now is two more seven page papers, a five page paper, and two finals--one week. Piece of cake...right?
Perfecting active avoidance
It's the last push before finals and I have absolutely perfected the art of active avoidance. I tell myself every quarter and pretty much my entire academic career that I will not procrastinate, but alas it comes down to the last week and I have a 20 paper to finish and I am on page 3. This is a fantastic improvement considering I was only on page one a week ago and have been staring at a blank screen worrying for the 7 weeks before that. Okay so this is only for one class and none of my other homework is suffering but I think this particular one is proving so difficult because I have worked it up so much in my head. The paper is worth 60% of my grade and the teacher has given very little guidance. I have a good outline and the topic is something I'm interested in so now I just need to overcome the block the is hampering my writing. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and wait until next Saturday and Sunday to write and stop worrying since it is due on the 13th and when push comes to shove I excel under that kind of pressure. I was just hoping to avoid the ulcer that has a tendency to accompany the stress!