Okay, there are few things that I even border on fanatic about, sadly one of those things is Harry Potter. After waiting in line for an hour yesterday to buy tickets because the local theater is run by a bunch of idiots who apparently dig chaos I went back to see the movie at 9:45. I went with Amie and Evan and we were in the third row...yes the third row. But if wasn't bad. The movie, while I'm still reserving full judgement until I see it again, was pretty good. I personally thought that this one, above all the others, was more of an insider movie, that is, if you haven't read the books I think you may find yourself lost more than once or looking around bewildered as to why everyone around you is laughing--that's just me though. I think there were some errors in judgement when it comes to casting as well. Fleur was not nearly pretty enough--she was pretty, but in the books she is described as some kind of Helen. Cedric was kind of odd looking as well--he looked weirdly emaciated. Other than that though the casting seemed good. Ralph Fiennes was fantastic as Voldemort, absolutely fantastic. Anyway though, not bad. Have to see it again to see what I missed.
Have a huge paper to write this weekend though, so it will have to wait.
Don't "misunderestimate" Bushy

What? Things evolve? Crazy concept.
So, my Grandmother had been fairly ill for pretty much as long as I can remember. She passed away last Wednesday November 9th. This is really my first experience with death so I'm not sure if I am reacting normally. Although she had been ill with a variety of issues, it still felt unexpected. I was in the hospital visiting with her the night before she died and she was busy chastising me for skipping school to hang out with her at the hospital. That's kind of her norm. She would never want a big fuss to be made about her and I think she would be downright livid if she knew that family flew here from Alaska and Washington to be with her and celebrate her life. While we all had our up and downs with her she will be greatly missed. She was a cool lady and one of the few people who has always believed in my potential no questions asked.
Enough of the sappy rejected Hallmark card moments...
Harry Potter is this weekend--can't wait. Probably going to go see it Friday night if anyone is interested.
Got my two tests back for school last week and I got A's on both of them!!!!!!!!!! One of them I assumed I would an A or perhaps a high B because I felt really confident about the test, but the other I literally thought I would be lucky if I squeezed out a C, so I'm really stoked with that!
Anyhow, I think that is about it lately...
Yeah for Democrats!!
Arnold's initiatives go down in an amazing burst of flames...
There is a God and she is a Democrat!
So I am having a serious case of nostalgia. I have recently been trying to get in touch with some old friends from my past and I have actually been successful with two of the most important of them. I was talking to my first high school boyfriend, Buddy, last night and realized how much that first year of high school sucked. I was transferring to a new school and didn't really know anyone, and there were few outlets. I also began thinking about how caddy, petty, and downright mean high schoolers can be--myself included. My next thought was that well at least I'm out of there and never have to go back........rewind, I AM going back, because for some godforsaken reason I had the idiotic idea that teaching high school would be GREAT, FUN, EXCITING and now all I think it will be is SCARY, SHITTY, and FULL OF BRATTY KIDS DOPED UP ON HORMONES.
Anyway, back to nostalgia--a phrase I never thought I would say--
So catching up with old friends is really great. Dustin, Buddy's sister, is married now, which is bizarre to me because she was probably the most shy person I have ever met, and I cant even imagine her dating, but she seems really happy. Her brother is in the military, about to get married, and has a little girl. When you start going down nostalgia lane you (me)immediately revert back to that age for a bit. And my 15 year old self is freaking out about my friends being married with kids. It's weird to realize how much time has passed and all the things you may have missed concerning people you once knew everything about. Events and milestones have passed unmarked and there are so many little everyday things that are too numerous to remember let alone recount.
So yeah, I think that is about enough from me on this issue. It is always really great to catch up with people and we always say not to let so much time lapse before speaking again, but who's to say if that will be followed through with. I hope to keep in touch not only with my new long lost friends but all the ones I have slowly been neglecting due to my and their ever increasingly busy schedules.
Whodda Thunk
You Are Italian Food |
 Comforting yet overwhelming. People love you, but sometimes you're just too much. |
There are some weird little tests here. I think that for the most part I disagree with their assessment. I don't think I'm particularly comforting...
Couldn't have said it better myself...